By : Ni Kadek Adinda Putri Paramita, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (Bimbingan&Konseling)
This opinion is made to understand about the Johari Window Theory, before entering into the discussion I will explain what personality theories are. Where this personality theory is one of the study programs where this program discusses personality and its types in humans. This is very important for an aspiring guidance and counseling teacher. Where this study aims to distinguish each individual both in thinking, acting and and feeling.
As for the explanation of what personality is, which means is the public self or self-display, namely the presentation of one’s self to the outside world. The definition of personality from some experts is the first according to Whiterington (Rumini, 1988: 140) describes personality as the overall behavior of a person who is integrated, as seen in others. And not only that, as for other figures obtained tentangdefinisitentangkepribadian. Kepribadian (Atkinson dkk. (1998: 202): all forms of different patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior and are characteristics that determine an individual’s personal style and influence his interaction with the environment.
In this case, we will explain about the Johari window theory, or what is known as the Johari Window Theory. Before entering the discussion, it will be explained first what the Johari window is, where this theory was sparked from the thoughts of Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham who work as American psychologists. This theory discusses self-concept in individuals. Then not only that, this theory also discusses other people’s perspectives. In this Johari window theory, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham divide this theory into quadrants which include open area, blind area, hidden area, and unknown area.

Brief explanation of the columns in the Johari window theory:
In column 1: Called “open self”, what is known by ‘people’ or individuals is also known by others, can also be called ‘open area’ or ‘free area’ or ‘free self’ or ‘arena’. In column 2: Called “blind self”. What the individual knows is unknown. It can also be called “blind spot: or: blind area”. In column 3: Called the “hidden self”. What is known by individuals but not known by others. It can also be called a “hidden area” or an “area to avoid”. In column 4. Called the “unknown self”. What is not known by the individual, nor is it known by others. The explanation of the four divisions in this theory is Where the first is Open Area, Open area refers to behaviors, feelings, and motivations known to ourselves and others. The type of person who already understands the open field, then a person will easily know the things that are the advantages and disadvantages. And second is the Blind Area, This blind area determines that others are aware of something in us but we are not aware of it. For example, there are other people who claim to be able to speak in public, but we ourselves do not know it because we realize that We are nervous individuals when it comes to public speaking. Hidden Areas, Hidden Areas contain information we know about ourselves but closed to others. And the fourth or last one is the Unknown Area, It is information that other people and also we do not know. This quadrant contains information, feelings, hidden abilities, experiences, etc. that are completely unknown to either the individual concerned or anyone else.
Where in the four parts I agree with the Open Area Where in this case it can help someone to get to know others more closely, so as to indirectly give us a teacher in understanding the characteristics of our students. Then not only that students must also be able to apply theory so that it can or make it easier for a teacher to know his students, so that in this theory the theory of Unknown Areas should be eliminated in one’s attitude or character. Because this can complicate the process of approaching us as educators because students find it difficult to tell what they are feeling and experiencing.
The conclusion in Johari window’s theory is . Johari’s window theory highlights the importance of open communication and self-understanding in interpersonal relationships. The more information you know, both yourself and others, the better your relationship and communication will be. So, these four theories each provide different insights into human behavior and its effects. These theories can be used as tools to understand and describe various aspects of human life, both in the context of individual needs, reactions to stimuli, behavior change, and communication between individuals.
Izzati, Umi Anugerah. (2011). Application of Johari Window to Increase Adolescent Self-Confidence in Surabaya Uswah Orphanage. 2(2)