The Influence Of Humanistic Theory On Human Personality Development

Ni Putu Gita Suci Maharani, Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling, Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja


Personality development theory is an attempt to explain how a person’s personality forms and develops over time. There are many different theories of personality, but most of these theories agree that personality is shaped by the interaction between innate and environmental factors. One of the most well-known personality theories is Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. Freud believed that personality consists of three main structures: the id, ego, and superego. The id is the most primitive part of the personality and is driven by basic needs and desires. The ego is the part of the personality that is responsible for dealing with the real world. The superego is the part of the personality that represents the values ​​and norms of society. Another well-known personality theory is Erik Erikson’s theory of social development. Erikson believed that personality develops through eight stages, each with its own challenges and tasks. For example, the first stage, trust vs. mistrust, occurs during infancy and young childhood. During this stage, babies learn to trust others to meet their needs.

Humanism, humanism and humanism are terms in the field of psychology that relate to an approach that studies the whole person and the uniqueness of each individual. In essence, these terms refer to the same approach in the field of psychology. Thus, humanism (humanistic psychology) is a perspective that emphasizes the study of the whole person. Humanistic psychologists see human behavior not only through the eyes of observers of behavior but also through the eyes of people who behave. Sometimes the humanistic approach is also called a phenomenological approach, which means that personality is studied in terms of the individual’s subjective experience. For Carl Rogers, for example, the focus of psychology was not behavior (Skinner), the unconscious (Freud), the mind (Wundt) or the human brain but rather the individual process of perceiving and interpreting events. Thus, Rogers is important because he shifted psychology toward the study of the self


Humanistic theory is an approach in psychology that focuses on human potential to develop and achieve self-actualization. This theory views humans as unique and dynamic creatures, who have the potential to develop positively. In personality development theory, humanistic theory emphasizes the importance of human potential to develop and achieve self-actualization. This theory posits that humans have an intrinsic motivation to develop and become the best version of themselves. One of the main figures of humanistic theory is Carl Rogers. Rogers argued that human personality develops through a process of self-actualization. Self-actualization is the process of moving towards fulfilling one’s full potential. Rogers believed that each person has unique potential for growth. However, this potential can be hampered by various factors, such as unpleasant past experiences, an unsupportive environment, or psychological barriers. To achieve self-actualization, Rogers argued that humans need to experience unconditional positive regard. Unconditional positive acceptance is the feeling of being appreciated and accepted for who you are, without conditions. When someone experiences unconditional positive acceptance, they will feel safe and comfortable to explore themselves. They will have more confidence to try new things and take risks. In addition to unconditional positive acceptance, Rogers also argued that humans need to experience self-regard. Self-esteem is a positive feeling about yourself. Positive self-esteem will help someone to develop their potential. Conversely, negative self-esteem can hinder personality development. According to the author, the influence of humanistic theory on the development of human personality provides a valuable perspective. This theory emphasizes the positive and potential aspects of individuals, making humans active agents in the formation of their identity. The humanistic approach highlights the importance of supportive interpersonal relationships and unconditional acceptance, which can be an important catalyst for healthy personality development. In appreciating each individual’s uniqueness and aspiration to achieve their full potential, humanistic theory brings a deeply human dimension to our understanding of personality development.


Overall, the influence of humanistic theory on the development of human personality makes an important contribution in depicting humans as creatures who have full potential and uniqueness. This theory brings a human nuance to our understanding of personality development by emphasizing key aspects such as unconditional acceptance, self-actualization, and personal growth. The importance of unconditional acceptance in interpersonal relationships provides the foundation for an environment that supports positive development. Meanwhile, the concept of self-actualization views individuals as active agents in achieving their highest potential, shifting the traditional paradigm which emphasizes external factors.

Humanistic theory also places emphasis on the role of personal experience, recognizing that each individual forms their identity through their subjective experiences.


Yustinus Semiun, OFM. 2021.Humanistic Personality Theory. Yogyakarta Special Region: PT Kanisius

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