By : Laelat Azizah, Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja
The understanding of individual identity, especially in terms of personality formation, has become an important focus in psychology. One of the theories underlying this understanding is the Theory of Self-Concept. This theory explains that a person’s self-concept (perceptions, judgments, and beliefs about oneself) plays a central role in shaping an individual’s identity. This includes how a person understands, assesses, and perceives himself, including his strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. A person’s self-concept can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as childhood experiences, social interactions with family, friends, and society, as well as life experiences that shape perceptions of abilities, values, and personal identity.
Through understanding self-concept, individuals can build a view of who they really are. A positive self-concept tends to influence a person’s values, life goals, and social relationships. Individuals who have a strong and positive self-concept generally have higher self-confidence, clear life goals, and a better ability to form healthy and meaningful relationships with others. It is important to understand how self-concept theory provides an important foundation in shaping a person’s identity. The development of a positive self-concept becomes an important key in its influence on the formation of a healthy personality and the development of the individual as a whole.
Self-concept is an understanding of oneself that arises as a result of interaction with others. Self-concept is a determinant factor in our communication with others. Self-concept is our view and feeling about ourselves. Self-concept is clearly differentiated and structured, which is a stable whole. Throughout life, self-concept develops and changes continuously, although it is difficult to distinguish between development and change in self-concept. With these developments and changes, it can be said that the structure of the self develops and changes over time. In early childhood, there are developmental tendencies derived from a positive or negative self-image. Furthermore, the self is formed through interaction with the environment, especially the environment consisting of significant people (parents, siblings).
The importance of self-concept in the formation of personality can be seen from a number of influences it has. First, self-concept influences an individual’s values and life goals. People who have a positive self-concept tend to have clearer life goals and values that align with their identity. In addition, self-concept also influences the way individuals interact in social relationships. Individuals with a positive self-concept are able to build healthier relationships and strengthen their social bonds.
The process of forming self-concept is dynamic. This is influenced by a variety of factors, including life experiences and interactions with the surrounding environment. Interactions with family, friends, and the community provide feedback that influences self-perception. Life experiences, both successes and failures, form a deeper understanding of self. The process of reflection on these experiences also plays an important role in developing a more mature self-concept. Self-concept management is also key to healthy personality growth. It is important for individuals to build a positive self-concept by respecting themselves, accepting strengths and weaknesses, and developing self-confidence, as self-awareness is an important aspect in the management of self-concept. Awareness of individual needs, values, and interests becomes the foundation for building an authentic self-concept. Through this awareness, individuals can direct their personal growth according to the vision and goals they have.
Self-Concept Theory becomes an important foundation in shaping an individual’s personality. Self-concept, as a view of self formed through social interactions, life experiences, and internal reflection, has a significant influence on an individual’s values, life goals, and social relationships. Individual success in building a positive self-concept is closely related to the quality of social life and healthy personality development. The process of forming self-concept is a dynamic journey that is influenced by the surrounding environment, both family and other social interactions. Self-concept management, such as self-acceptance, self-confidence development, and awareness of individual values, is key to healthy personal growth. By understanding self-concept deeply, individuals can guide themselves towards growth that aligns with their goals and values, enabling them to face life more strongly and authentically.
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